úterý 28. dubna 2015

A Happy Dead Week to YOU

A dead week is a slang term for the week before schools' final examinations in some English speaking countries.

The week is known because of its notorious strain. The tendency to save exam study until the last possible week. Specially for procrastinators...

Students prepare for the exams by pulling out all the stops all-night, study sessions often with the aid of stimulants such as coffee, caffeine tablets and energy drinks.

The late night studying for the finals gives the students a zombie look.

What do you think? How does dead week play out at our school? And what is the ideal dead week for students?

A month chock-full of events

Our school calendar is chock-full of exciting events and happenings. It is not easy to choose the most noteworthy event of the month.

Personally, I think the highlight was a speaking competition in each class. 
First, the competitors were a bit unsure of themselves. After a few tentative attempts some of them seize the opportunity and performed well.

In the end this competition was of benefit for all those involved even if they din't win.
I hope every student recognises that they have learnt some invaluable skills along the way.