You are an eternal beginner not just in English…
in languages. Still struggling and want to pick up some new language skills but
learning a language requires huge investments in both time and money...
On the other hand, you are e-learning and
learning platform enthusiast, tablet and smartphone chomping maniac. Then new apps
for learning languages are just the things for YOU!
However, these days it is not easy to choose from numerous
apps for learning languages.
While taking up learning it is essential to
set a goal and go for it. The app can be used every day wherever you are,
commuting to school, work on regular basis. It saves time.
You can practice all language skills and
apply what you have learnt. You can take on interactive learning exercises and
quizzes and stay motivated with regular feedback...
The best ones do not cost
you an arm and leg. They are free.
My favourite is Duolingo. Worth trying it ...