pátek 30. září 2016

ELT Czechlist: Ideas from the Heart of Europe

This year in September, the 11th International and 15th National ATECR (Association of Teachers of English of the Czech Republic) Conference was held at the SPŠE Ječná and Pedagogická fakulta UK with plenaries by Šárka Dohnalová, Ben Dobbs and Louel Ross Calleja. 

The conference was really a great event, full of inspiring presentations, networking and socialising. Networking is one of the most important advantages of attending a conference. A great way to meet colleagues and peers is one of the most rewarding components of conference attendance and also a unique opportunity to talk to the speakers, book authors and publishers.

It was just a lovely kick to new school year!

Inspiring new publications...and ideas that work!

pondělí 5. září 2016

Snowball fighting in the classroom...a great gap filling activity

Playing snowball fighting in the classroom sounds a bit childish, though it always works with older students too.
The game is a great way to energising students, change the pace, fill a gap or just as a fun activity after introducing a topic.

During our very first English classes we played our snowball game as a whole class and we really enjoyed it. 
After the activity students  all sat comfortably and get busy with First (FCE) preparation – Reading and Use of English Exam strategies.