neděle 30. srpna 2015

September is approaching…

You may not want the summer holidays to end, but it is almost over just a few days left. September is approaching and a new school year begins.
I really hope you enjoyed your summer holidays and you are ready to jump back in…

However, I am aware of having mixed feelings about the new start. We feel both pleased and not pleased about it at the same time. We are excited but we also know that we are going to face some difficulties soon.
Waking up early, be in time at school, sitting in the classroom, etc.

That´s why the start of a new school year generally makes us feel a bit nervous, especially those who are about to enter a new school. Who doesn’t have some butterflies in their stomach the night before classes begin, or when meeting the teacher for the very first time?

But along with that worry, September also offers the opportunity for a fresh start.
Actually, we can find a few good things about going back to school.  It´s nice to see your school friends again see your classmates and meet new ones.
It’s a lot easier to get out of bed and get to class if you have something motivating that is waiting for you e.g. a class that is interesting, a sport you love or activities you enjoy doing.

So, as the new school year begins, I hope all of you find new friends and activities that make you feel relaxed, comfortable and confident.

Have a great start at school… :)

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