středa 30. září 2015

Trips to countries which languages we desire to master

You have probably heard several times that the best way to learn a foreign language is to live where that language is spoken. Not everybody can afford that and not everybody can make it.

We all share a common passion of travelling. So, why do not take at least a trip to countries which languages are taught at our school?
This academic year the Department of Foreign Languages are pre-planning trips to different cities and countries.

Planning is important as school tours abroad can be a potential mine field with many things that can go wrong. Prevent the worst is good to have extensive knowledge of the location to which you are visiting.

Britain offers diverse cultures and beautiful landscapes. Personally, I have lived with my family in southern England that´s why it was an easy choice to find a place worth visiting in England.

The destination for an excursion and language tour would be the historical town of Hastings and its surroundings in southern England.
Moreover, we are planning trips to London, Berlin and New York. The value of visiting a foreign country is endless.

Being in a foreign country forces you to learn what is necessary to survive the ability to understand everyday language and enough speaking skills to communicate, to order pizza, etc.
It's a great way to practise speaking a language.

Výsledek obrázku pro free pictures of London
Výsledek obrázku pro free pictures of Berlin

I hope everything will go the way it should and we assimilate many new experiences on the trips.

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