On 20th December 2016 students of classes C1 and G1 attended a theatre show at Theatre U22, which is a modern drama theatre scene with a café in Prague 10-Uhříněves.
Students’ reviews...
"It was an amazing experience, I immediately want to go and see the second story of P.B."
"I understood almost everything. I'd go again. Actors tried to speak slowly so that we understood them. It was funny as well... "
"That was great! I understood all."
"The story was quite short but it was a happy end. I want to see it again! I hope they´ll put on other shows. Good job!"
"I think the performance was really well done and funny; especially the actors were very convincing. The scenery was realistic and just the perfect setting for this play."
"I did like the play for the characters that were played by the
guy that played Rocco and the homeless guys because they were really funny and
they had made the play more interesting. I was also kind of shocked when I
realised that the whole play was played by only 2 actors and 1 actress. On the
other hand I didn't like the ending because I didn't quiet understand it but I
guess that it has more parts that explains the first part.
My final opinion is that the whole play was
alright and I would recommend it to people that have this kind of humour which I
also have."
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