pondělí 28. prosince 2015

Stress Free Cambridge Exams at EDUCAnet Praha



Teachers are aware of the role and importance of assessment. Assessment of students’ achievement is the process of evaluating students' achievements, development and learning outcomes.  Assessment can be engine to drive students’ performance motivation.

We regularly assess our students’ improvement in English language and organise Cambridge English Exams Day at our school.
Testing doesn’t ´t have to be stressful. During Cambridge English Exams students know exactly what to expect on Exam Day.

This academic year Cambridge Day took place on 15 December 2015. The mock tests were organised at First (FCE) and Advanced (CAE) levels.  The tests focused on real English. Students were encouraged to take risks and make errors, and understand that wrong answers can assist learning just as effectively as right answers.

When a student has achieved a pass in the FCE and CAE, it is a trustworthy and reliable indicator of their competence in the language.

The results:
Cambridge English: First (FCE)
1st place                     OSKAR MORAVEC
2nd place                    KRISTIÁN LORENC
3rd place                     ZDENĚK DAVID/TOMÁŠ RECHTIG

Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE)
1st place                     IVAN TOSHCHEV
2nd place                    PAVEL ORINIAK
3rd place                     MAREK PROCHE

Congratulations to all participants who took part in the school’s Cambridge English Exams Day.

Be the best and keep on practising and using REAL ENGLISH. It can be fun!
Click on: http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/learning-english/games-social/

úterý 8. prosince 2015

A successful Christmas workshop spreads holiday cheer

Tuesday, 8th December 2015 (morning 9 -2 p.m.), students participated in a successful Christmas workshop organised by our school.
I honestly believe it was a huge success.
The event was carefully prepared. In a magic atmosphere, surrounded by the sounds of carols, candles and cookies students shared ideas and made some beautiful Christmas gifts.
The participants could choose from various stands, and prepared pancakes, made decorations, snowflakes, sang Christmas songs, write Christmas cards, baked biscuits and cookies and much more.

At my stand, we had a lot of fun, created some beautiful jewellery and Christmas decorations and simply enjoyed spreading the spirit of Christmas. 

neděle 29. listopadu 2015

English Language Olympics

On 30 November 2015 students of our school entered Language Olympics.

They gathered and tested minds in English language. It required patient work, logical ability, and willingness to think around corners.

Congratulations to all of the students who took part in!

Helping students to learn independently and gain presentation skills

I strive to tailor the lessons to my students’ needs. Technologies of the 21st century enable me to develop them into fun and motivating lessons. 

Students turn to their mobile for information rather than referring to books. During the lessons they are encouraged to do research online, discover more about the given subject.They  work in groups or work independently.

The outcomes are presented in front of the class. Helping students to develop their communication and presentation skills and becoming an effective learner and communicator.

 Students from C1/G1 presenting their ideas on sports and leisure time activities.

sobota 31. října 2015

New applications in language learning

You are an eternal beginner not just in English… in languages. Still struggling and want to pick up some new language skills but learning a language requires huge investments in both time and money...

On the other hand, you are e-learning and learning platform enthusiast, tablet and smartphone chomping maniac. Then new apps for learning languages are just the things for YOU!
Výsledek obrázku pro free language application icons

However, these days it is not easy to choose from numerous apps for learning languages.

While taking up learning it is essential to set a goal and go for it. The app can be used every day wherever you are, commuting to school, work on regular basis. It saves time.
You can practice all language skills and apply what you have learnt. You can take on interactive learning exercises and quizzes and stay motivated with regular feedback... 

Výsledek obrázku pro free language application icons

The best ones do not cost you an arm and leg. They are free. 
My favourite is Duolingo. Worth trying it ...https://www.duolingo.com/.

High Schools Day at EDUCAnet Praha

On 20 October in cooperation with Alfa Agency, students met Barry Bunyan, director of the International Program in Langley, in British Columbia, Canada. 
He introduced the district and the opportunities of studying in 8 High Schools in British Columbia.

The best part of the meeting was the emotional speech of Julie, a girl who has studied in Canada, based on her life-changing experience.

And of course, the raffle and the prizes were surprising. Some of the students have already started thinking about studying abroad in the future...

Jane from Alfa Agency and her guests

Barry Bunyan and his convincing speech

Open to new opportunities

Let´s get on the BUS...

středa 30. září 2015

Trips to countries which languages we desire to master

You have probably heard several times that the best way to learn a foreign language is to live where that language is spoken. Not everybody can afford that and not everybody can make it.

We all share a common passion of travelling. So, why do not take at least a trip to countries which languages are taught at our school?
This academic year the Department of Foreign Languages are pre-planning trips to different cities and countries.

Planning is important as school tours abroad can be a potential mine field with many things that can go wrong. Prevent the worst is good to have extensive knowledge of the location to which you are visiting.

Britain offers diverse cultures and beautiful landscapes. Personally, I have lived with my family in southern England that´s why it was an easy choice to find a place worth visiting in England.

The destination for an excursion and language tour would be the historical town of Hastings and its surroundings in southern England.
Moreover, we are planning trips to London, Berlin and New York. The value of visiting a foreign country is endless.

Being in a foreign country forces you to learn what is necessary to survive the ability to understand everyday language and enough speaking skills to communicate, to order pizza, etc.
It's a great way to practise speaking a language.

Výsledek obrázku pro free pictures of London
Výsledek obrázku pro free pictures of Berlin

I hope everything will go the way it should and we assimilate many new experiences on the trips.

neděle 27. září 2015

Starting off on the right foot

On the very first day of school what comes in students’ minds is, “Who you are? How old are you?”
I reckon many teachers probably introduce themselves at the beginning, but not me.

Personally, first I like to write a question mark on the board, and let them ask the very first questions. Students are naturally curious and really good at asking personal questions. 

One of the most obvious questions is “Why are you here?”
When asked for a very first time I was a bit surprised. Not these days.  I am well prepared… a few words from the heart are in order.

However, being flexible, patient and keeping your sense of humour come useful.
Students sometimes show surprise when you confide to them that you get great pleasure from teaching them.

From the first day forward, I help students decide whether school is drudgery or a serious effort that can be both rewarding and enjoyable. I try to adopt an optimistic, can-do attitude that will be reflected in my students. 

Building a partnership with each student from the beginning of the school year is very important for me as well.  Some social "setting in" is needed.
On the other hand, I am realistic. I won´t win the battle with every student.  

I am of the persuasion that starting off on the right foot can make all the difference.

neděle 30. srpna 2015

September is approaching…

You may not want the summer holidays to end, but it is almost over just a few days left. September is approaching and a new school year begins.
I really hope you enjoyed your summer holidays and you are ready to jump back in…

However, I am aware of having mixed feelings about the new start. We feel both pleased and not pleased about it at the same time. We are excited but we also know that we are going to face some difficulties soon.
Waking up early, be in time at school, sitting in the classroom, etc.

That´s why the start of a new school year generally makes us feel a bit nervous, especially those who are about to enter a new school. Who doesn’t have some butterflies in their stomach the night before classes begin, or when meeting the teacher for the very first time?

But along with that worry, September also offers the opportunity for a fresh start.
Actually, we can find a few good things about going back to school.  It´s nice to see your school friends again see your classmates and meet new ones.
It’s a lot easier to get out of bed and get to class if you have something motivating that is waiting for you e.g. a class that is interesting, a sport you love or activities you enjoy doing.

So, as the new school year begins, I hope all of you find new friends and activities that make you feel relaxed, comfortable and confident.

Have a great start at school… :)

Students deserve the best teachers – the importance of professional development in teaching

It´s still summer, but the teachers at our school are getting ready for the upcoming school year. They are all so enthusiastic about the beginning, and I am positive that they are looking forward to seeing their students and preparing some great ideas, fun activities and challenges for the new ones.

As language teachers we want to provide them the opportunity to improve their language skills, social and self-management skills, their research skills, and we try to provide that in the context of an inquiry-based experience.
In general, we want to be successful with students who are going to attend our school.
However, sometimes we feel uncertain if we do enough and could we do even more. After all if you´re feeling stale and routine, it will be difficult to engage a classroom full of teenagers on a daily basis.

I reckon that students deserve the best teacher.  A professional…

There is no doubt that the teaching profession require a lifelong learning perspective to adapt to fast changes and evolving constraints or needs, on teachers and their professional development.

For example, an English teacher might need to learn more about the content she's teaching. In addition, she might need other ways or alternative methods of teaching. She might also need to learn more about classroom management techniques, how to incorporate technology into her instruction, and how to better address the needs of language minority students or exceptional learners in her classroom.

Great teachers help create great students. In fact, research shows that an inspiring and informed teacher is the most important school-related factor influencing student achievement.

Personally I prefer online courses to real classes in terms of continuing professional development. It is the opportunity to get together with other teachers and sharing good practice in learning and teaching, brainstorm, swap ideas, and help each other out.

British Council launched free open online courses through a web portal named futurelearn.com.
I have already joined a course for English Teachers Professional Practices for English Language Teaching.

The course starts on 31 August. I am really looking forward to starting the course.

It’s time to open the window and refresh my mind!

sobota 25. července 2015

Having fun, playing games, telling stories, jokes and much more...

Choosing appropriate activities, playing games, telling funny stories and jokes were my most important educational goals during our Summer English programme. 
Having fun, as a great motivator, was also a way how to engage students during the classes.

Focusing on humour as powerful instructional resource attracts attention and provokes thought, improves communication, smoothes difficult moments, develops a positive attitude and self-image, motivates and energizes, solves problems, has entertainment value, helps gain friends and much 

Telling a joke...

Playing games...  

Retelling a story...

Summer English Programme at EDUCAnet Praha

During summer holidays we regularly run courses for foreign students who are intending to continue their further studies at our school or eager to enrol to universities in the Czech Republic.
We offer intensive courses of Czech language for foreign students. They may also choose from a series of lectures on an interesting range of subjects.

Essential part of summer classes is the English programme. Participants of the programme are placed at the appropriate level, from beginners to advanced. 

The lessons include a variety of interesting topics for lively discussion. These topics keep everybody interested – and talking English.

The participants are actively involved in the lessons. The lessons are dynamic, interactive and effective. Small class size for a personal teaching style is of great value to the students.

I was pleased to meet and teach a group of quick-witted girls from Kazakhstan.


pondělí 29. června 2015

Success comes to those who strive - an expedition to “The Prachov Rocks”, with DofE Award

The long awaited adventurous expedition to “The Prachov Rocks”, with DofE Award, took place from 24 to 25 June 2015, the very last days of the academic year.

We spent two days and a night in a breath-taking natural reservation in the Bohemian Paradise.
The most popular sandstone rock town is situated about 6 km northwest from Jičín.

On Wednesday morning we set off and headed for Jičín, the town of Czech fairy tales, and the town of a famous highwayman Rumcajs.

We went through Jinolice and finally reached our destination. It was a campsite called Eden, an appropriate designation for the place and its surroundings.
We enjoyed the beautiful nature, the crystal clean, fresh air and the luxury of being in the wilds.

The night was a bit chilly, but we were well prepared and survived...frankly, it was a real challenge.
The next and also our last day we climbed up the rocks. We strived to achieve our goal and we made it. 

It was an awesome experience.

Waiting for the bus to Jičín

Approaching the campsite EDEN

A really breathtaking view over the valley
Preparing food

Camping gear
Our final destination
Making a fire
Shipwrecked sailors
The saved ones
The achievers on the rock
A man and his shadow