pondělí 29. června 2015

Success comes to those who strive - an expedition to “The Prachov Rocks”, with DofE Award

The long awaited adventurous expedition to “The Prachov Rocks”, with DofE Award, took place from 24 to 25 June 2015, the very last days of the academic year.

We spent two days and a night in a breath-taking natural reservation in the Bohemian Paradise.
The most popular sandstone rock town is situated about 6 km northwest from Jičín.

On Wednesday morning we set off and headed for Jičín, the town of Czech fairy tales, and the town of a famous highwayman Rumcajs.

We went through Jinolice and finally reached our destination. It was a campsite called Eden, an appropriate designation for the place and its surroundings.
We enjoyed the beautiful nature, the crystal clean, fresh air and the luxury of being in the wilds.

The night was a bit chilly, but we were well prepared and survived...frankly, it was a real challenge.
The next and also our last day we climbed up the rocks. We strived to achieve our goal and we made it. 

It was an awesome experience.

Waiting for the bus to Jičín

Approaching the campsite EDEN

A really breathtaking view over the valley
Preparing food

Camping gear
Our final destination
Making a fire
Shipwrecked sailors
The saved ones
The achievers on the rock
A man and his shadow

Being a teacher is a vocation rather than just a job

The summer has just begun spring blow the clouds away…not just in a song.

The academic school year ended the classrooms are empty and we feel a bit lonely at school.
As teachers, we are still at work looking back and evaluating our success and failures.
We are planning ahead the upcoming year.  

Definitely, we deserve some holidays too, but there are so many other things you could be doing that your work is never done. Where does the job end?

Teaching is an incredibly demanding and diverse job. It is inevitable to be committed to it and love it.
It´s a beautiful thing when a career and a passion come together.

I really love my job even it has some bad bits too.  It has its ups and downs but on the whole it's fulfilling when you help students to leave school with good grades and know they have a future.

I enjoy engaging and motivating pupils to learn a foreign language helping them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of a different language and culture.

I encourage them to participate in the lessons actively and enjoy the learning process. 

Teaching is my passion and long-lasting career!


Getting started

Mingle activities
Problem solving