neděle 31. května 2015

A Truly Extraordinary Afternoon

We were delighted to have an opportunity to meet Her Royal Highness, The Countess of Wessex at Czernin Palace in Prague on Wednesday afternoon, 20 May 2015.

Her Royal Highness visited Prague to give Awards to the successful participants of The Duke of Edinburgh´s International Award (DofE).

From Tuesday, 19 May, HRH had a rich two-day programme prepared for her by the DofE and the British Embassy in Prague. 
The Countess met students and representatives of Czech schools and Patrons of the Award.

Our school EDUCAnet Praha, was represented at the ceremony by me, the coordinator, the chief of the programme, my great colleague Lenka Novotná, and three students Matyáš Kubů G1, Tomáš Půlpán G1 and Aarts Wayne G1, who actively participate in DofE programme, and effortfully work towards its fulfilment.

It was truly an extraordinary afternoon. We are aware of the fact that if we had not joined DofE, we would not have participated in such an exceptional event.


                                                     The Ceremony
                         Me with the boys

sobota 30. května 2015

A Two-day adventurous practice DofE Award Expedition

The bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award is a great start for our students on their journey through the Award.
The participants of the programme took part in a two-day adventurous practice DofE Award expedition from 29 to 30 April 2015.

The main aim of the expedition was to explore interesting places like Karlstejn and its surroundings and to overcome the fear of the unknown.

On the 1 day of the expedition the team headed out into their chosen location and put their theory into practice.
This day gave the group a great opportunity to practice various skills, including; navigation; team building and group management.

On the 2 day of the expedition the group went over the skills they had learnt, but it also included one night camp where they learnt everything they need to know to spend a night camping.

Both days were sunny, but the night wasn´t as warm as toast...the temperature dropped at about zero. It was a real challenge. However, we enjoyed our stay and the participants are well-prepared. They won´t be surprised by anything during their expedition in JUNE.

We are looking forward to it!